
Genesis, lines 1002-1103

God asks Cain where Abel is and Cain responds that he does not know, “I was not my brother’s keeper.” God curses Cain and says that he will receive punishment and exile for his crime. Cain replies meekly enough, but fears being murdered in turn. God says that Cain need not fear that, and marks him for ever. Cain settles in the east and has his first child, Enos.  Together they build a city. More children are born: Iared and then his son Malahel and then his son Mathusal. The Lameh is born, who takes two brides, Ada and Sella. One of their children was Iabal, who was the first harper. Also Tubal-Cain was born who was the first blacksmith. Lameh says to his wives that he has killed a man with his own hands, and, in this version (i.e., different from that of the Bible), the man Lameh has killed is his own ancestor, Cain. [I am using the spelling of the MS for these names rather than normalizing so that listeners are more easily able to follow along].

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