

With the last post, the entire Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records is now available through this site. But Anglo-Saxon Aloud is not quite finished with Anglo-Saxon poetry. Over the next two or three weeks I will be posting spoken versions of Psalms 51-68, which I originally recorded as sung versions. I will not be removing the old sung versions, but will be adding a [sung] tag to them. When those Psalms are posted, the entire ASPR will be available in spoken form (I may return to the sung Psalms one day when I have better internalized the music of Psalmody).

There are also a few poems in Anglo-Saxon that are not in the Anglo-Saxon poetic records. I will be recording and posting these files as well. They are:

A44 Instructions for Christians
A45 Cnut’s Song
A46 Godric’s Prayer I and II
A47 The Grave
A48 Distich on Kenelm
A49 Distich on the Sons of Lothebrok
A50 Psalm 17:51
A51 Metrical Psalms 90:16 – 95:2
I hope to have all of these (most of which are extremely short) recorded, edited and posted, along with Psalms 51-68, before February 21, which will be the two-year anniversary of this site.

Then, after the poetry is done, I may take a break before moving on to posting some Anglo-Saxon prose. I may begin with the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Reading of the Day” or first may record some homilies or perhaps the Sermo Lupi: I haven’t decided yet.

Psalm 150 [all]

Psalm 149 [all]

Psalm 148 [all]

Psalm 147 [all]

Psalm 146 [all]

Psalm 145 [all]

Psalm 144 [all]

Psalm 143 [all]

Psalm 142 [all]

Psalm 141 [all]

Psalm 140 [all]

Psalm 139 [all]

Psalm 138 [all]

Psalm 137 [all]